
Friday 28 February 2020

The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 of 12 (To update)

The Book of Ecclesiastes

 Chapter 7

¹ A good name is better than precious ointment, and the day of death, than the day of birth.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verse 1)

Oh God my Father as a human I have my private and personal self which only You are wholly aware of, and there is also the type of self that I project to others. I pray that I will always be true and never project a false reality of myself Amen.

² It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting; for this is the end of everyone, and the living will lay it to heart.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verse 2)

In comparison to the time of feasting which may be dominated by overeating, drinking and lack of self-control, the time of mourning is such that makes and helps us to reflect both on ourselves, our lifestyle and even our spiritual life Amen. This is a very reflective and important time in our life, were healthy decisions are taken.

³ Sorrow is better than laughter, for by sadness of countenance the heart is made glad.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verse 3)

Oh God my Father when things are going well in life, we tend to alienate and take You for granted instead of thanking You for the good times, for all goodness has its roots in You. However during times of sorrow and suffering, we selfishly like children turn our eyes upon our parents to earn their love sympathy care and support. I pray that we genuinely learn how to love You and not use You out of convenience Amen.

⁴ The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verse 4)

Oh God, my Father You do not wish us to be sad in order to experience You in our lives. You want us to experience joy and happiness, however, our happiness is not to be found in what is sinful but what is in according to Your will Amen.

⁵ It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise than to hear the song of fools.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verse 5)

Oh God my Father, I thirst for Your wisdom and consolation. When I listen to Mass on television my ears are open wide not to lose one word of the homely for it is my spiritual nourishment by which You are helping me to grow each day of my life. Amen.

⁶ For like the crackling of thorns under a pot so is the laughter of fools; this also is vanity.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verse 6)

Oh, brothers and sisters, it is better of us to seek the company of people of God who are focused on doing His will than to waste time in the company of those who are alienated with the world and all that it offers Amen.  

⁷ Surely oppression makes the wise foolish, and a bribe corrupts the heart.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verse 7)

Oh God my Father during times of oppression I turn to You for support and consolation. Therefore a negative situation becomes a positive one, because in time You always show me the positive light at the end of the dark tunnel Amen.

⁸Better is the end of a thing than its beginning; the patient in spirit are better than the proud in spirit.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verse 8)

Oh God my Father I like beginnings as much as I like the endings. When You prompted me to start this blog way back in 2003 I was overjoyed to start sharing online, now that in time I have progressed I am still eager to continue even though I still have much time to grow when praying on Your Word. Every session is a new experience of spiritual and psychological growth in Your relationship with me and even though there are many books of the Bible on which to pray You always give me the strength and motivation to go on Amen. 

⁹ Do not be quick to anger, for anger lodges in the bosom of fools.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verse 9)

Oh, brothers and sisters, I pray that we be more aware of our feelings, especially when we feel agitated, racing heartbeat, tense and shortness of breath which are like traffic lights that show us that we are moving from a green zone of peace and tranquillity to one that is amber which is moderately in peace and gradually to red, which is a total loss of peace and a move on to loss of self-control. When in such a state we are letting out the beast of sin out of its kennel and Satan takes control of both our minds and body. Therefore let us pray to be always aware of such a mental change and take action to regain peace of both mind, soul and body Amen.

¹⁰ Do not say, "Why were the former days better than these?" For it is not from wisdom that you ask this.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verse 10)

Throughout the course of my life You have taught me to look forward in good faith and only to look at the past when reflecting on the present. You have taught me to reflect on every situation and thank You for all that You have done for me and by means of my presence to many others. I pray that You keep on using me my God and Father Amen.

¹¹ Wisdom is as good as an inheritance, an advantage to those who see the sun.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verse 11)

Oh God my Father I, pray for more of Your wisdom. At times I find myself in a situation that needs more wisdom. I thank You for all the help that You are giving me oh God my Father I would be able to do nothing without You Amen.

¹² For the protection of wisdom is like the protection of money, and the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to the one who possesses it.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verse 12)

Oh God my Father Your wisdom is like money because it gives us security and stability. In times of crisis, You give us the right words and the right actions Amen. I pray for more my God and Father Amen.

¹³ Consider the work of God; who can make straight what he has made crooked?

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verse 13)

Oh God my Father no mortal can fix anything that is done not according to Your Will as in the case of my marriage. You wanted me to leave everything and follow You and I did the very opposite. I got married and became entangled with the world. I thank You for freeing me from the bondage of the world Amen.

¹⁴ In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider; God has made the one as well as the other, so that mortals may not find out anything that will come after them.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verse 14)

Oh God, my Father I thank You for the good days and even for those which as a human I consider not so good days. You are in control of each second of my life, and nothing happens if You do not permit it to happen. I thank You for everything Amen.

Friday 20 September 2019

The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 6 of 12

The Book of Ecclesiastes

 Chapter 6

¹ There is an evil that I have seen under the sun, and it lies heavy upon humankind: ² those to whom God gives wealth, possessions, and honor so that they lack nothing of all that they desire, yet God does not enable them to enjoy these things, but a stranger enjoys them. This is vanity; it is a grievous ill.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 6 verses 1 to 2)

Oh God, my Father many times we think we are going to live forever and we reap for ourselves riches and possessions, that when the time comes we are going to leave for our descendants and which are of no good use for our souls. I pray that we learn to invest more in the life of the Soul of the Spirit more than in that of the passing world Amen. 

³ A man may beget a hundred children, and live many years; but however many are the days of his years, if he does not enjoy life's good things, or has no burial, I say that a stillborn child is better of than he.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 6 verse 3)

Oh God, my Life would have no meaning if I did not believe in You. It would be no better than that of an animal who lives a number of years, breeds in order to leave descendants to continue his human race and then dies out of age or illness Amen.

⁴ For it comes into vanity and goes into darkness, and in darkness, its name is covered; ⁵ moreover it has not seen the sun or known anything, yet it finds rest rather than he.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 6 verses 4 to 5)

Oh, brothers and sisters, we are only given one life on earth, and it is our duty with the help of God to make good choices and decisions on which to base our life. The choice is between that of light to darkness, sin or happiness. The choice is ours Amen.

⁶ Even though he should live a thousand years twice over, yet enjoy no good-do not all go to one place?

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 6 verse 6)

Oh God my Father if it was for You nobody is lost and we all are united with You. However, You have given us the freedom to make choices and therefore the choice is ours. Amen. I pray that we do not abuse of such freedom Amen.

⁷ All human toil is for the mouth, yet the appetite is not satisfied.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 6 verse 7)

Oh God, my Father, the soul has its cravings as much as the body. Both of them crave to be with You and they will never be satisfied until this goal has been accomplished Amen.

⁸ For what advantage have the wise over fools? And what do the poor have who know how to conduct themselves before the living?

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 6 verse 8)

Oh God, my Father it is better to be foolish in the wisdom of the world than in the wisdom of the kingdom, for the wisdom of the world passes but Your wisdom is forever Amen.

⁹ Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of desire; this also is vanity and a chasing after wind.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 6 verse 9)

Amen oh God I pray that we learn to appreciate what we have which is precious to us, what has been given to us by You instead of always focussing on our wants and desires which may not always need Amen!

¹⁰ Whatsoever has come to be has already been named, and it is known what human beings are, and that they are not able to dispute with those who are stronger.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 6 verse 10)

Oh God, my Father, there is nothing new in this world that has escaped Your scrutiny and awareness. As humans Your creation You are fully aware of our strengths and our weaknesses our strengths and our desires including our daily needs and wants. I thank You for this awareness my God and Father, You chose to become a human in order to understand us more Amen.

¹¹ The more words, the more vanity, so how is one the better?

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 6 verse 11)

Oh God, my Father words bring words and action brings action. I pray that You as always appreciate our acts of love kindness, service and generosity that are much better than words alone Amen.

¹² For who knows what is good for mortals while they live the few days of their vain life, which they pass like a shadow? For who can tell them what will be after them under the sun?

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 6 verse 12)

Oh God, my Father only You know what is good for us for our vision is limited and we end up making plans on our own agendas which may knot have much ground, however, if we share our plans with You it would be much better for us. Amen.

Oh God, my Father, I would like to end this meditation on the sixth chapter of the Book of Ecclesiastes with the following prayer;-

Oh God, my Father, I thank You for creating us the way we are even if we are prone to sin. I thank You for all my strengths and all my weaknesses. I pray that You help us realise that everything in this world does not make sense if You do not have an active role in our lives. One generation may go and come, however what is of value is Your presence in our lives Amen. You are what makes the big difference Amen.

Monday 11 June 2018

The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 of 12


The Book of Ecclesiastes

 Chapter 5


¹ Guard your steps when you go to the house of God; to draw near to listen is better than the sacrifice offered by fools; for they do not know how to keep from doing evil.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 1)

Oh God, my Father, today You have given me an important lesson for in any circumstance it is far better to listen than to speak. I pray that I may be found humble enough to listen and not be eager to speak so much that I do not listen to others Amen. May we always be on the same wavelength, my God and Father Amen.

² Never be rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be quick to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven, and you upon earth; therefore let your words be few.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 2)

Oh God, my beloved Father I pray that we be people who stop and think before uttering a single word. May we reflect on the consequences of that word, and be ready not to say it if someone will be hurt ridiculed, defamed or slandered by means of it. Amen.

³ For dreams come with many cares and a fool's voice with many words.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 3) 

Oh God my beloved Father, even though You choose different forms of communication by which to talk to us that includes even dreams, we are to seek the counsel of the wise, in order to discern if the dream is simply wavering of the mind, or maybe the reflection of that day's events, or maybe Yo intend to give us a message by means of that same dream Amen.  

⁴ When you make a vow to God, do not delay fulfilling it; for he has no pleasure in fools. Fulfil what you vow.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 4)

Oh God my beloved and caring Father, I had previously given, my word in following You forever and leaving behind me all that is of the world, however as You know it is challenging for me to live alone, and I am praying for a friend or companion. I pray that this vow would not go against my vow to You, I already messed up when I got married Amen. Thank You, Jesus.

⁵ It is better that you should not vow than that you should vow and not fulfil it.

 (The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 5)

Oh God, my Father, I thank You for helping me keep my vow to St. Rita. I am really grateful for this Amen.

⁶ Do not let your mouth lead you into sin, and do not say before the messenger that it was a mistake; why should God be angry at your words, and destroy the work of your hands?

 (The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 6)

Oh God, my beloved Father may I speak only what is the truth and nothing but the truth even if this my experiencing the negative effects of my actions. May I face such moments of error with an attitude of humility and acceptance and a lack of pride Amen.

⁷ With many dreams come vanities and a multitude of words but fear God.

 (The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 7)

Oh God my beloved Father as humans we may have many plans dreams and aspirations however if they do not have You as their foundation they are worthless Amen. May our lives always be based on You Amen.

⁸ If you see in a province the oppression of the poor and the violation of justice and right, do not be amazed at the matter; for the high official is watched by a higher, and there are yet higher ones over them.

 (The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 8) 

Oh God, my Father I pray for the courage to. Continue standing up for the rights of vulnerable people. I am aware that I am accountable to You all the time because You are present e everywhere and every time even during my moment's of weakness I thank You for loving me and accepting me as I am although I am still in need of change Amen. 

⁹ But all things considered, this is an advantage for a land; a king for a ploughed field."

 (The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 9) 

Oh, brothers and sisters may we always be aware of not only the opportunities but even more the related consequences that at times are either in small print or totally avoided by us.

¹⁰ The lover of money will not be satisfied with money; nor the lover of wealth, with gain. This also is vanity.

 (The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 10) 

Oh God my Father as humans we try to find satisfaction in what is of the world, however, what we are not realising is that what is of the material world can never satisfy the cravings of the soul, for we are not only human but also spiritual. Therefore if we succeed at satisfying the material self and not the spiritual, as humans we will not be fully human and fully alive. There needs to be a harmony between our material selves in synchrony with our spiritual selves Amen. This is my aim, my God and Father Amen.

¹¹ When goods increase, those who eat them increase; and what gain has their owner but to see them with his eyes?

 (The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 11)  

Oh God, the more goods we have the more insecure we feel due to the fear that others might try to steal our goods from us. This might be the worry of many businessmen. The more we have the more we are bound to this earth. I pray to be free from such material bondage Amen.

¹² Sweet is the sleep of labourers, whether they eat little or much; but the surfeit of the rich will not let them sleep.

 (The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 12) 

Oh God my Father it is better to be rich in the things of the kingdom which do not pass away and give us rest, than to be rich in the material world with all its stress and anxieties, for all the riches and pleasures of the world are not enough to satisfy our insecurity for our dwelling place is not the earth but heaven. Therefore while in the flesh, we can never feel secure and at peace Amen.

¹³ There is a grievous ill that I have seen under the sun; riches were kept by their owners to their hurt, ¹⁴ and those riches were lost in a bad venture; though they are parents of children, they have nothing in their hands.

 (The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verses 13 to 14)

Oh God, this is my story, all that I have honestly gained I will treacherously lose. The vipers are surrounding me and this is a grievous ill. Soon they will have the satisfaction of claiming a victory. Soon I will need to resign from my work and then they will claim their victory. However, You are with me every step of the way. Amen.

¹⁵ As they came from their mother's womb, so they shall go again, naked as they came; they shall take nothing for their toil, which they may carry away with their hands.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 15)

Oh God my Father, as humans naked we are born and naked we will die. Nobody will take with him or her his or her property or awards or Nobel prizes. All that we will take away are our good deeds and our sins. Therefore it is wise of us to invest more in the world of the soul than in that of the body which has a beginning and an end Amen.

¹⁶ This also is a grievous ill; just as they came, so shall they go; and what gain do they have from toiling for the wind?

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 16)

Oh God, my Father, if I do my work simply to satisfy my self or my employer, there will come a day when my employer would not be satisfied with my work and will not consider my efforts and skills and will send me away, where is the fruit of all my service?

From a human perspective, it has all been a waste of time, however if I offer my services to You my God and Father, You will become my employer, and what I do I will do for You and not for the world and it is in truth a treasure in the kingdom of heaven Amen.

¹⁷ Besides, all their days they eat in darkness, in much vexation and sickness and resentment.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 17)

Oh God, my Father, those of us who like living in the reign of sin and darkness will end up being angry and frustrated, for the world cannot offer them long-lasting peace and security. The more one has, the more the risk of losing what one has, the more greed and ambition to gain more and there is never the peace of God in their heart. 

¹⁸ This is what I have seen to be good; it is fitting to eat and drink and find enjoyment in all the toil with which one toils under the sun the few days of the life God gives us; for this is our lot.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 18)

Oh God, I agree that I am to live my life and be happy and enjoy and appreciate all that comes in my way, that is according to Your will. I believe that every day is a present as we call it, and we are always to appreciate gifts and presents especially those given to us by our Holy Father our God and Saviour Amen.

I invite you all to join me in this positive song that will surely place a smile on your faces I, therefore, invite you to click on the following link credited to us by "The Real Bobby McFerrin


¹⁹ Likewise all to whom God gives wealth and possessions and whom enables to enjoy them and to accept their lot and find enjoyment in their toil-this is the gift of God.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 19)

Blessed are those who like their work and earn an honest living. May such people reap the riches and benefits of the work that God has given them Amen.

²⁰ For they will scarcely brood over the days of their lives because God keeps them occupied with the joy of their hearts.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 5 verse 20)

Oh God my Father, those of us who accept all that happens to them as being the doing of the will of God will also consider their work as being a service to God by means of others. I thank You God for the work You have given me, by which I am greatly occupied and satisfied Amen.

I would like to end this meditation on the fifth chapter of the Book of Ecclesiastes with the following prayer:-

Oh, brothers and sisters, young and old, if we invest in the world our thirst will never be satisfied, for the world does not know how to do so. However, if we invest in God and in fulfilling His will our lives will become a blessing both for ourselves and even for others Amen.

Tuesday 19 December 2017

The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 4

The Book of Ecclesiastes

 Chapter 4

¹ Again I saw all the oppressions that are practiced under the sun, Look, the tears of the oppressed-with no one to comfort them! On the side of their oppressors there was power- with no one to comfort them. ² And I thought the dead, who have already died, more fortunate than the living, who are still alive; ³ but better than both is the one who has not yet been, and has not seen the evil deeds that are done under the sun.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 4 verses 1 to 3) 

Oh God my Father, many times I have heard the expression that one had better not be born at all than to have to suffer such negative experiences, however even though we experience much bitter experiences throughout the course of one's life, for those who believe in You the situation is not that bad for the light always overcomes the darkness and the rainbow always appears after a rainy day to encourage us with its beauty and the promise of God's covenant of love and forgiveness ever since the beginning Amen. Therefore let us be positive and lift our praise and gratitude to God for each second of our life Amen.  

⁴ Then I saw that all toil and all skill in work come from one person's envy of another this also is vanity and a chasing after wind.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 4 verse 4) 

Oh, God my Father as humans we are driven by the created need of having more and more so that we can depend more on ourselves and our own devices than on You. However even though You provide us with enough to cover our basic needs our natural selfish self-continues to urge us to make that step further to have more, to be more powerful, to invest in a better future, as if we are going to remain alive forever! 

While thanking You for Your divine providence, I pray that I am of support to others and not a means of spite and envy Amen.

⁵ Fools fold their hands and consume their own flesh. ⁶ Better is a handful with quiet than two handfuls with toil, and a chasing after the wind.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 4 verses 5 and 6) 

Oh God, my blessed Father, I thank You more than ever for the work You have given me, where my hands' eyes and brain and entire body are always at work. I pray that my hands are never folded in protest or due to lack of work or laziness Amen.

⁷Again, I saw vanity under the sun; ⁸ the case of solitary individuals, without sons or brothers; yet there is no end to all their toil, and their eyes are never satisfied with riches. "For whom am I toiling," they ask, "and depriving myself of pleasure?" This also is vanity and an unhappy business.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 4 verses 7 and 8) 

Oh God my Father, brothers and sisters if we were to question the reasons of how we spend our time, and how much more profitable it would be if we had a balance between our hours of work and hours of prayer and leisure time. I pray that I always have time for You my God and Father Amen.

⁹ Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. ¹⁰ For if they fall, one will lift up the other; but woe to one who is alone and falls and does not have another to help.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 4 verses 9 and 10) 

Oh God, my beloved Father, there was a time when I was married and had a wife. If we both fell one could have supported the other, however, this was not the case, for many times alone I fell and alone I had to wake up. Therefore now that I am physically alone, I pray for Your support so that I will have Your spiritual support Amen.

¹¹ Again, if two lie together, they keep warm; but how can one keep warm alone? ¹² And though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one. A threefold cord is not quickly broken.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 4 verses 11 to 12)

Oh God my blessed Father, even though I appear to be alone I am not for You are with me, every day of my life. My Father and my saviour, even though I do not physically see You we are four and not one Amen.

¹³ Better is a poor but wise youth than an old but foolish king, who will no longer take advice.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 4 verse 13)

Oh God my Saviour and loving Father I pray for humility and freshness of spirit, in order to always be open to the newness of Your Holy Spirit and never to be old, proud and stubborn and resistant to Your holy will Amen.

¹⁴ One can indeed come out of prison to reign, even though born poor in the kingdom.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 4 verse 14)

Oh God my beloved Father once You redeem us as You did from our spiritual death, we become spiritually alive, and really start living, regardless if we are rich or poor, for those who are labelled as being poor in the world are the richest in the kingdom of God Amen.

¹⁵ I saw all the living who, moving about under the sun, follow that youth who replaced the king; ¹⁶ there was no end to all those people whom he led. Yet those who come later will not rejoice in him. Surely this also is vanity and a chase after wind.

(The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 4 verses 15 to 16)

Oh God my Father, many of us still follow our pride and ambitions that gradually replaces Your presence in their lives, however, You are a kind loving and merciful God, who decided to become human in order to be able to have a better understanding of human nature Amen. I pray that faith in You will continue to grow and that any existing barriers will gradually come to their end Amen.

I would like to end this fourth chapter of the book of Ecclesiastes with the following prayer:-

Oh God my blessed Father, my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus from all nations. Good Evening. Today I offer a prayer for all of us, that we learn where to place our values, and that our decisions are based not only on human inclination and desires and vanity but as based on the promptings of the Holy Spirit Amen.